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3 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Traveling can be quite expensive, but these 3 ways to save money while doing so are doable and easy.

3 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Traveling is now of my favorite aspects of life. Exploring new cities and immersing myself in different cultures is a privilege I am lucky enough to experience and something I value very much! However, traveling can be very costly. When I'm abroad, I'm so in the moment that I don't realize all the little things I am spending money on and how much they will add up to be by the end of my travels. In the past couple of months, I tried to think of doable ways to save money while traveling. I have come up with these 3 ways to save money while traveling and I hope they help you do the same!

Food & Drink - Bottled waters, sodas, coffees, and drinks surely add up quickly. I mean I for one always need my morning coffee and I tend to drink a ton of water throughout the day. Whenever I go to a new city, I try to buy those large liter water bottles at a grocery store or local market. I know it sounds crazy, but hotel waters add up really quickly and I never like to feel like I have a limited water supply to drink. I have saved a decent amount of money by buying my beverages at a market instead of drinking whatever is in the hotel room. As far as snacks go, I love to keep a protein bar on me in times of need. One thing I spend the most money on is food. Snacking right while you travel can lower the costs of eating each day. When I go to the market I look for healthy snacks with protein like almonds, protein bars, dried fruit, etc. Having a snack really helps!

Use Public Transportation - I know I know, not everyone is a fan of public transportation, especially not in a city like LA or Miami, but the majority of Europe and New York have extremely affordable transportation systems which hundreds or thousands of people use to get around. Something I love about the subways of New York is the contrast of people who take them. They also make getting around much easier and faster during traffic. Ubers and Lyfts can add up very quickly. Immerse yourself with the locals and take a bus or a train. If I was able to do it in Israel without knowing Hebrew, you can do it too!

Walk - This is my favorite thing to do when visiting a new city. Walking is the best way to get a feel for local culture and the environment. You can see it all, smell it all, and hear it all. It's also a great way to get your body moving after long flights or large meals and it will definitely save you money. I will usually elect to walk places just because I love being outside and seeing all the action. Unfortunately, things in LA are very spread apart, but cities like Miami, New York, and Tel Aviv are legitimately perfect to explore by foot!