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The Benefits of Workout Classes

I think everyone dreads going to a workout class, but their are numerous benefits that make them worth while

The Benefits of Workout Classes

I personally have always had a love/hate relationship with working out. I hate it while I'm doing it, but I love the feeling afterwards. There is something so rewarding about a workout class. Everyone in it is (for the most part) motivated, they took the time out of their day and committed to being there, and there is a sense of community in a class that silently says, "we're all in this together," which semi makes it all better! My favorite types of classes is where there is good music playing, no phones allowed, and not a lot of breaks. I love Soul Cycle and Barry's Bootcamp for those exact reasons. Soul Cycle is motivating, fun, it smells good and they have super energetic and positive instructors to lead the class. Barry's is the same thing, tons of energy, always different, and another thing I love about Barry's Bootcamp is that each day there are different classes that focus on different parts of the body. For example, one day might be abs and arms, and then another might be back and chest. There are numerous benefits that make all these classes worth while. My personal benefits are as follows:

  • The motivation a class provides actually caters to all areas of my life.
  • Feeling of belonging and sense of community.
  • An hour to put your phone down, put your thoughts aside, and be present. One of my favorite benefits of workout classes.
  • The fact that your doing something good for your body has an even better effect on your mind.
  • Natural stress and anxiety relievers.
  • Great way to meet new people who have the same interests as you.
  • I actually have fun! Classes are what you make them. I love doing them with friends because friends helps bring a lighter and more fun vibe to classes.

[one_third padding="0 1px 0 1px"]The Benefits of Workout Classes | Julia Friedman Soul Cycle[/one_third]

[one_third padding="0 1px 0 1px"]The Benefits of Workout Classes | Julia Friedman Soul Cycle[/one_third]

[one_third_last padding="0 1px 0 1px"]The Benefits of Workout Classes | Julia Friedman Soul Cycle[/one_third_last]

If you aren't enjoying your gym routine, I really recommend switching things up and trying a class! What are your favorite workout classes?