5 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed


These 5 simple solutions help me avoid feeling overwhelmed, maybe they will help you too 

Feeling overwhelmed is something most people go through—usually during stressful situations that are out of our control. I know I’ve had a few of these moments and ever since have wanted to become more aware of when that feeling is coming on so I can be proactive in how I respond to it. These five techniques below are things that have worked for me, so I hope at least one can give you some relief and help prevent that feeling of being overwhelmed.

[one_third padding="0 1px 0 1px"]Julia Friedman 5 ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed[/one_third]

[one_third padding="0 1px 0 1px"]Julia Friedman 5 ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed[/one_third]

[one_third_last padding="0 1px 0 1px"]Julia Friedman 5 ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed[/one_third_last]


I think when people hear the word meditation they might imagine you have to have a whole room with pillows on the floor and incense burning. Of course you can do it that way, but meditation can actually be done just about anywhere at any time. Whenever that anxious feeling is coming on, find a quiet place, search meditation music on YouTube and just be for a few minutes.

Brain dumps

This trend is something I love. I feel like people have started to talk about mental health and anxiety so much more in the last year, and from that, things like “brain dumps” have been born. If you’ve never heard of it or aren’t sure what to do, it’s very simple. All you do is get a journal or even just a piece of paper, and write out everything that’s been bouncing around in your head. When you’re done, you’ll feel like you’re starting fresh.

[one_half padding="0 1px 0 1px"]Julia Friedman 5 ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed[/one_half]

[one_half_last padding="0 1px 0 1px"]Julia Friedman 5 ways to avoid feeling overwhelmed[/one_half_last]


Scheduling your tasks is a simple and effective way to make your day seem so much less overwhelming. Even if you have to schedule time to not be on your phone or check your email, knowing you have an allotted amount of time blocked off on your schedule can really act as an instant stress reliever.

Diversion techniques

Sometimes taking a step back and distracting yourself from the overwhelming task in front of you is exactly what you need. If taking a hot bubble bath is something you love—do it. If going to a yoga class makes you feel invigorated—do it. Diversion techniques are about temporarily distracting yourself with something you enjoy that will make all the anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed melt away.


If something you’re doing is making you feel overwhelmed on a daily basis, re-evaluating is a must-do. Nothing that makes you feel that way is worth it, in my opinion, especially if it’s every day. We all take on unnecessary tasks and overwork ourselves, so every once in awhile, a little re-prioritization goes a long way in support of our own mental health.

How do you avoid feeling overwhelmed?