My Daily Gym Routine

Here is what I do at the gym when I only have an hour

Exercising in general has been a huge part of my life in the past three years. Even when I only have 45 minutes to work out, it is important for me to push myself to do so because of the rewarding feeling afterwards. I always leave the gym with a clear frame of mind and a good sense of self!

When I only have 60 minutes, here is what I do:

To start: 25 Minutes on the treadmill, elliptical, or stairmaster

If you are like me and get bored after 5 minutes of cardio, switching up your cardio routine is always a good idea! Sometimes I will do 5-7 minutes on each just because maybe that day I'm not in the mood for 25 minutes on the treadmill. When I am on the treadmill I walk at a swift pace and set my incline to the highest it can go. Walking uphill tones your legs and inner thighs  and and sculpts your butt! Who doesn't want a sculpted butt!? I will stretch lightly after cardio as my muscles are already warmed up.

15 Minutes of Weights for Legs & Arms

Depending on how strong I am feeling that day, I will use 5 pound weights for my arms and 10 pound weights for my legs. If I am tired I will use 3 pound weights for my arms and 5 pound weights for my legs.

Arm Routine (3X):

  • 15 Bicep Curls
  • 15 Tricep Extensions - Click here for example & directions.
  • 15 Overhead Presses - Click here for example & directions.

Leg & Butt Routine (3X):

  • 10 Squats  (no weights)
  • 15 Sumo Squats (one 10-15 pound weight)
  • 12 Lunges (holding a 5-10 pound weight in each hand and alternating legs so 24 total)

10 Minutes of Abs

Ab Routine (3X)

  • 25 Toe Touches
  • 10 Leg Raises
  • 60 Second Plank

5 Minute Cool Down

After my weight workouts, I go back on the treadmill at a speed of 4mph (without an incline) to cool down for 5 minutes.

5 Minutes of Stretching

Stretching is probably one of the most important parts of working out. Stretching alone elongates muscles and can prevent soreness the following day. I find stretching to be very therapeutic and I will normally stretch for 10-15 minutes, but in the case that I only have an hour at the gym, 5 minutes of stretching would be essential!

Julia Friedman's sixty-minute gym routine.

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